


Interior styling

You’ve just purchased a new house. Or built one. Or you’re in the midst of renovating. And now you’re looking to make it a home with a cohesive mix of furniture, art and objects. These final elements are what brings the story to life.

Or maybe it’s just one room in you home that needs some attention. A living room that is ready for an update. A master bedroom that needs that extra level of cosiness. Or a kids area that you’d love to blend in with the rest of your spaces.

From furniture selection to choosing the right rug or light fitting.

From finding that perfect piece of art to specifying soft furnishings and styling objects.

I’m here to help and make the process seamless and easy.

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Interior specification

The idea of building of renovating seemed pretty straight forward. But now you’re facing all the decisions, so many decisions on bench tops, carpet colours and exactly what shade of white is right?

From individual rooms to the whole house, I can help you through the process of selecting both a colour and finishes palette that talk to each other and create a cohesive space.


Concept visualisation & Spatial planning

Sometimes you just need to see it to understand it. Sometimes you can’t quite decide between a few different options. Sometimes you just want to see how all the furniture will sit within a space before you push go on the order.

The ability to see a concept at scale can help to confirm your thoughts. Or can also open up other ideas.

I can model a space to give you a good idea of what the final result will be. It’s also a great visual tool to use with your trades to communicate your vision.